
时间:2024-02-28 点赞:46498 浏览:90924 作者原创标记本站原创


摘 要 :本课题通过对现代第三方物流的深度解读,提出了将物流功能和营销功能整合的研究思路,通过运用交叉分析法、文献研究法等方法,对未来物流营销服务提出了建设性的意见,希望可以为业内人士提供有益的启发和帮助.

关 键 词 :现代物流;营销服务;第三方物流


With the rapid development of modern logistics, there exist an increasing number of researches and discussions on modern logistics and marketing. Deep integration of logistical function and marketing function has bee one of the hot tops. The integration of both functions begins to provide new ideas and frameworks for modern enterprise administration, which will definitely bring a significant adjustment to the field of logistics.

1. Features and trends presented in the development of modern logistics

1.1 Logistics system develops toward direction of integration

Logistics system begins to develop toward the direction of integration. It can be seen by analyzing the content of business service that the operational line is of diversification, scale and systematization. We are going to analyze the service content in detail as under: Firstly, on aspect of customer service: Determine the requirements of customers, ascertain the customers'' response to service and set the levels of customer services etc., Secondly, on aspect of transportation management: Selection for mode of transportation and service as well as dispatching for less container load, transportation path and transportation vehicles, Thirdly, on aspect of warehouse management: Inventory policy for raw materials and products, short-term sales forecast, cargo bination in the inventory, the quantity, scale and location of the inventory, just-in-time, push and pull strategy etc., Fourthly, on aspect of information system and order processing: Sales order and inventory interaction process, order information traner method and order rules etc. Besides, modern logistics system also provides other supporting activities, including: Firstly, on aspect of storage support: location determination, platform arrangement and design, warehouse equipment and stock placement etc., Secondly, on aspect of materials handling and processing support: Device selection, equipment replacement, order picking, storage and replenishment etc.. On aspect of production and operation collaborative support: Determination of production lot, sequence and schedule for product manufacturing etc..

1.2 Rise of third-party logistics

The rise of third-party logistics is not only the need of economic development but also the inevitable trend for development of times. The unique market segmentation and high quality marketing service level he won the for of customers. We are going to make a brief analysis on the marketing flow of third party logistics: The first step: collect the information of target customers and analyze the requirements of customers, the second step: primarily negotiate the intention with marketers, The third step: high level discussion between the experts and customers, The fourth step, experts analyze the requirements of customers and the present operation situation and put forward professional advice, The fifth step: the project team custom-tailors the logistics solutions, The sixth step: hand over to the operation team after stable operation of the project. Judging from the marketing flow, third-party logistics is provided with good marketing philosophy and relatively plete marketing service process and its core petitiveness has been prominent.














