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题 目A Post-colonial Interpretation of The Bluest Eye学生姓名学 号指导教师专 业英 语职 称选题的意义及研究状况Toni Morrison's first work, The Bluest Eye, had a great influence on American literature. NY Times review that "the novel is full of so much pain and surprise, called a poem." Morrison, through this work, delicately describes the fates of blacks and their humiliated life in the society. Moreover, The Bluest Eye bined the traditional black art and modern literary techniques. This article will use post- colonial critici methods to analyze The Bluest Eye, in order to attract more scholars concern and attention to the novel, and at the same time to help readers understand the novel as well as the black life and black culture deeper and better.

Lots of researches were attributed to the novel. Ogunyemi(1977)studied the novel from the perspective of cultural study. Barbara Christian(1980)analyzed the structure of the novel. Luo Hong and Xu Hui(2007)analyzed the loss of black culture in the novel. Zhangxue Xiang studied it from a feminist point of view. Zeng Zhijiang and Liu Mingjing(2016) analyzed the narrative strategies of the novel. But few scholars analyzed this novel by using post-colonial critici methods.

主要内容,研究方法和思路The novel The Bluest Eye will be studied from postcolonial perspective and its impact on the Negro munity and postcolonial literature will be analyzed as well. The following five aspects will be included:

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Foundation

2.1 Postcolonial Perspective

2.2 Postcolonial Literature and the Postcolonial Literature Features

3. Characteristics of Post-coloniali in The Bluest Eye

3.1 Characteristics of Post-coloniali in the Theme of The Bluest Eye

3.2 Characteristics of Post-coloniali in the Scene of The Bluest Eye

3.3 Characteristics of Post-coloniali in the Plot of The Bluest Eye

3.4 Characteristics of post-coloniali in the Figure of The Bluest Eye

4. The Influence and Development of the Work on Postcolonial Literature

5. Conclusion

Firstly, A brief introduction will be given. Secondly, postcolonial theory and postcolonial literature will be explained as the theoretical basis. Thirdly, characteristics of post-coloniali in The Bluest Eye will be analyzed by using textual analysis and exemplification. Then, The influence and development of this work on postcolonial literature will be searched through historical analysis. In the end, there goes a natural conclusion.


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[9]罗虹,徐辉. 强势文化冲击之下的黑人文化流失——从《最蓝的眼睛》透视[J].长江大学学报(社会科学版),2007,2:47-49.




[15]郑玉荣.《最蓝的眼睛》中的人物自我同黑人社区的游离与融合[J].长春大学学报, 2016,11: 61-63.总体安排和进度(包括阶段性工作内容及完成日期)





指导教师签字: 2016 年 3 月 日2016年 3月 日


