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The Dynamic Function of Linguistic Context in Literary Translation

――A Case Study of The Border Town

Fu Yiting

College of Foreign Languages, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637002

Abstract:Linguistic context plays a decisive role in language use and understanding of meaning,no exception to translation.Based on the relationship between context and equivalence theory and through a prehensive study of The Border Town and its translated version,this paper explores the dynamic function of linguistic context in literary translation,ing to a conclusion that both literary translation theory and practice depend on the theory of context.

Key Words:linguistic context,dynamic function,literary translation


Context is of fundamental significance in language study.Since context has a close relationship with prehension of meaning and language use,it is a new promising development to discuss the dynamic function of context in translation. Translation involves the tranormation of two languages in municating and expressing.Context is indispensable to translation so is literary translation. In the process of literary translation,only the translator take into consideration the SL text according to its dynamic context,will the translator succesully convey the SL writer’s intended meaning to TL readers and present a good piece of translation.In studying context, it is highly necessary to note that context is dynamic not static.Only by the dynamic analysis of context can be the context play the explanatory and constraint function in the language munication.

Equivalent effect theory is one of the important translation theories that he been studied by many translators and translation theorists.Eugene A Nida put forth “dynamic equivalence”in his Toward a Science of Translating (1964).For Nida, translation equivalence can be achieved only if a translation fulfills the conditions of the closest natural equivalence to the source language text.Basically,dynamic equivalence is based on the principle of equivalent effect,that is, the message of the original language will be so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors.In reconstructing the meaning from the SL into the TL,a translator is constantly searching for corresponding equivalents between the two languages, and such a process is inseparable from the specific linguistic context in which the language is used.

2.The Dynamic Function of Linguistic Context in The Border Town

The Border Town is one of the succesul literary works by the noted Chinese writer Shen Congwen.Whether such a novel can be fully understood and then strike a chord in the target readers’heart depends on the translator.A good translator can detect the interior and exterior information of the novel,and then convey the information into the target readers within the context.So in translation, the translator should try to create the necessary linguistic context,which is familiar to the target readers so that they can understand the source text easily.

2.1Grammatical Context

Grammatically speaking, English and Chinese each has its individual and distinctive system.On the one hand, there are some similarities between these two languages,as in word order of subject and predicate and that of transitive verb and object,on the other hand,there are lots of dissimilarities between them both in morphology and in syntax.The sentences in Chinese are paratactic,usually anized in a structure of theme-rhyme,clauses arranged without logical markers,while in English,the sentences are hypotactic with subject-object structure, clauses strictly arranged according to the logical relation.So these differences make it necessary to rearrange the sentence structure in translation,as shown in the following example:


All she pulls on the hawser she memorizes their faces: pretty,freckled,odd,sly or red-eyed.

Secondly,it is often necessary to rearrange the word order when translating from Chinese to English,for the two languages he each their own characteristics.For example:


The wharf-master,Shun Shun, served under the Qing Dynasty banner before being an officer in the celebrated 49th Detachment of the revolutionary army in 1911.

Thirdly,it is neither possible nor necessary to translate word for word. In the process of translation the translator will often he to make proper addition or omission of some individual words, as the following example shown:


“Don’t cry! You’re not a child now.Chatong girls must he grit.”

When translating the above sentence into English,Yang omits some information.The omission aims to better express the original meaning according to the original context.It turns to be terse,concise and forceful.

2.2Lexical Context

The translator’s first and foremost concern, then, must be the continuous involvement in experiencing and defining the boundaries of meanings and associations surrounding each word.Literary language is full of idioms and figures of speech. So the translator should be particularly careful about imaged or figures of speech and try his best to keep them as much as possible.


I want a sweetheart to listen to my songs,but I need a good wife who’ll manage my household well.

According to the linguistic context,the Chinese idiom in this example means that he wants a good wife and sweetheart.Yang translates it with some explanation in order to traner the implied meaning of the sentence to the target readers.


There is one place on earth where fire cannot spread,water flow,sun and moon shine,or love make its way.

Chinese is characterized by subtle richness full of artistic images, so its figurative images could only be perceived but not conveyed in another language according to a certain context.Once it is conveyed in another language,inevitably, sometimes it will lose its original beauty and images. As in example[7],birds,fire, water,sun and moon are the most mon and familiar things to the readers.The translator tries to keep the original meaning and structure of the sentence in translation on order to achieve the same response among the target readers.

2.3Textual Context

When ready to translate, first of all the translator must read the ST carefully from the very beginning to the very end.Then he will he to grasp the true meaning and spirit of the original and render it properly in accordance with the characteristics of the two languages concerned.When the context is a whole paragraph or even the whole text, it is also of great importance in determining the meaning of even a single word or phrase.In this case,the translator can get to the bottom of its original meaning based on the prehension of the whole text.




“Mind if I tell you a joke, uncle”

“What joke”

“You can take it in ear


nest, if you like.”

“笑话”in this example is not meant to be a joke.In fact, it is said to be a joke lest the old man declined and they got embarrassed.The implied meaning is “if you disagree,just take it as a joke.”Yang’s version is seemingly simple but in fact effective in depicting the tactfulness of munication.


Translation is the replacement of both the linguistic and cultural information of source language by its counterpart of the target language.The core of translation is to find target language dynamic equivalence in form and in meaning.As for the process of translation,a translator should first consider all the linguistic contextual factors and their effect on the translation.Literary translation is closely connected with linguistic context.If the translator always prehends and expresses the SL text on the basis of a contextual translating, he will manage to traner the contextual meaning of the SL text to the TL text, and the TL readers may enjoy the translated text as the SL readers.Though the response from both SL and TL readers may differ, what the succesul translator tries his best to do is to make the response as similar as possible.

In conclusion,just as,by quoting Malinowski,“we regard context as the sole determiner of meaning without which meaning does not exist”(Malinowski,1923:

307),translation won’t exist either at all without linguistic context.


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[6]Shen Congwen.Gladys Yang (trans.).The Border Town and Other Stories.Beijing: Chinese Literature Press.1987














