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1,"We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own, disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning."

Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the knowledge is limited, since the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cognition with us. It will be quite different if we municate with people whose views contradict to ours. Admitted that, it is little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views for us due to our self-assertion is impaired caused by other's challenge.

The speaker asserts that people usually learn much from those whose ideas are in accord with them, while, the discord always pose some negative effects towards learning process. I concede insofar as the undue disagreement may cause stress and inhibit learning. However, listening to the controversial views of opponents and discussing the arguments will provide the controversialist with more intelligent sparking and a broader spectrum of perspective.

过分的分歧不好 ( Admittedly, under some circumstance, the contradicting views may impede learning. )

不同意见能够拓宽人们的视野,让人们了解不同的文化和思想 (Though the contradicting views he certain amount of adverse effects towards the discussions, while the advantages far outweigh them. Firstly, the contradicting views may give us a chance to focus our attention to some alternative perspectives that we he never considered before. )

不同意见能够提高人们的认识并纠正错误 (Secondly, a broad spectrum of opinion which is provided by those contradicting views enables us to improve our understanding.)

[END:] In sum, every icon has two sides, on the one aspect, one should listen carefully to and tolerate those who hold contradicting views. On the other aspect, one should also he the courage to disagree and defend the right to disagree. Listening to different explanations of issues help us get closer to the truth and more easier e to the best judgment. Thanks to the diversity of this world, we now enjoy a much broader spectrum of opinions than ever before.

1. 我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多,意见分歧阻碍了学习.


承认有时与意见相背的人讨论时降低效率的.A有时根本立场就不一样,根本无法达成一致.B 有时纯粹就是争论而忘了初始的目的.

和意见相背的人在一起还有可能难以提高A 一方面可能压力较大而不说出意见 B 可能难以接受自己的意见被驳斥is little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views

但是也能从意见相背的人那里学到很多.和同样的人在一起,有相同的思考方法和论点,无法获得进步.而意见相背的人,可以A提供新的思路 如:不同学科的学生可能倾向于使用不同的分析方法B 给出我们所不了解的实证经验,如:文化传统或立场不同而对一件事情有着不同的看法.Zhuangtzu, Huishi / Confucius vs Laotze


Admittedly, under some circumstances disagreement with others can be counterproductive to learning.

Disagreement can also inhibit learning when two opponents disagree on fundamental assumptions needed for meaningful discourse and debate.

However, it is through debate that human knowledge advances whether at the personal, munity or global level.

2,"Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."

Through peting, the one who is most eligible is put on the right place, and then will produce much more values than those who are not petent as he or she.

While, on the other hand, if a petition is fraught with adulteration and illegality, it will bring deterioration to the society rather than progress. A case in point is related to market economics.

As petition almost occurs all the areas of the society, and bees more and more popular and crucial, people naturally focus on it and discuss whether it brings more benefits or detriments to society. By scrutinizing many aspects of this problem, I mainly bolster that petitions are indispensable that are everywhere and make society progress every minutes as long as not to be involved in some negative situations.

Firstly and basically, petition is the essential driving power to individuals.(奥运会世界记录Olympic record)

The whole society takes advantages of petitions, on matter among individuals, teams, corporations, groups, even countries. (政治,科技,经济,文化)

However, there are two sides for every coin. Too great adherence to the result of petition would produce some negative effects. If petitors concentrate more on the result and want to defeat others by all means, the inferior qualities such as envy, greed will take their mind. (竞争需要一个公平的环境,否则就失去了意义,对社会有害)

In sum, petition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society, as long as it is conducted in a healthy way.

①使得更有效率.A 同事之间竞争 B优胜劣汰




Generally speaking, petition contributes to progress in society.

Generally speaking, petition contributes to progress in society.

In democratic countries, when parties and candidates pete for power, the public benefits.

Admittedly, when petition gets out of the control of mores and laws, society will suffer.


3."It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations."

When we enjoy the fruits of industrialization and democracy, we are, on the other side, confronted with social problems brought by as another consequence of this process. Firstly, immediate, existing social problems that baffled us deeply need to be resolved as quickly as possible so to restore a sound society and conduce its healthy development.

However, many present social problems cannot be resolved immediately as we hoped. Furthermore, neglecting long-term researches that may help future generations, overemphasizing to focus on the present problems, may result in inplete resolution to these social problems, which can merely be an expedience rather than a resolution.



②有些问题不是现在就能解决的.需要长远的规划.贫困问题,犯罪问题,有关human nature的问题从历史上看从来没有真正得到解决过.

③我们对未来负有责任. A一方面,我们的行为造成了他们的损失.能源上,环境上.B从道德上说,人与动物的区别在于我们会感情上认为应对后代负责.

Humanity should take into account both long-term interests and short-term interests when making budgets.

Naturally, each generation is most concerned about solving problems that immediately confront them.

However, what differentiates human beings from other animals is that humans he a sense of future and are morally responsible for the well-being of their descendents.

Therefore, as beneficiaries of previous generations, each generation should make its own contribution for the well-being of future generations.

4."No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."

I agree with the assertion that significant advances in knowledge require expertise form various fields. A. No area of intellectual inquiry operates in a vacuum, that is, sciences in various fields are inextricably related.

B. Scientific breakthrough in one certain area may be great contribute to advancement in another or several other fields. C. New scientific fields often emerge in the interaction among different disciplines. D. Sciences of other areas are indispensable for a certain creation in a field to be viable and perfect. Related example: 1) Radioactivity is the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular bi


ology and modem geics, it is also the source of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb. 2) In invention of telescope initiated in the magnifying tube, a great advancement in optics. Thus began the age of telescopic astronomy 3) Computer-nearly all the scientific areas

1,科学领域确实需要其他行业的知识和经验.经济学需要数学,心理学.(John Nash—Game theory, Noble Economic Prize)考古学需要历史学家,地理学家.地质学和航天学结合,将领域扩展到研究宇宙中各个行星的构造以及矿物成分,地层结构

2,艺术领域也不例外,好的画家需要好的画笔(paintbrush),pigment.好的音乐作品,需要好的音乐家演奏,同时也需要有好的乐器(music instrument)



提供技术支持.如:Watson, Click, Computer 广泛应用于各个领域.

提供思想方法.inextricably related如:Nash, game theory: math to economics to business to military affairs, philosophy, history, provide wisdom

不同的学科交叉产生了新兴学科.Biochemistry, psychology with politics等于public administration

An extreme example, pure mathematics



1,不可否认,许多基础学科的发展主要的成果都是源自内在的创造,如万有引力定律,哥白尼的日心说astronomy(恩,老掉牙的例子,那就用凯恩斯发现宏观经济学规律吧)Archimedes Theorem(定理)mechanics(力学)law(定律)the law of grity(万有引力定律)geometry(几何学)Keynes凯恩斯(英国经济学家) 2,但是,一个领域的研究可以借签其它领域的成果而取得巨大的进步(当John Nash把数学的思想用来解释经济现象后,当代的经济领域发生巨大的变化)很多Nobel经济学奖得主是数学家,

3,随着现代科学和社会的发展各个不同领域之间常常互相影响,新的交叉学科应运而生,不但促进了原有领域的发展还具有很高的新起点.(化学和生物的交叉产生了生化领域,促进了近代临床科学的发展,如人造骨骼的应用)随着社会的发展,越来越多的交叉学科出现,各个学科的发展需要多方面的知识.如计算机学科需要多种数学啊,艺术的知识, Frederick Taylor, the father of Scientific Management的科学管理理论是源于生产实践经验等等artificial bones

4,尽管很少,但是其它领域不成熟的经验会对该领域的进步带来不利的影响.(Paul Muller的DDT对global ecological system 的影响)



Outsider: a person does not belong to a particular group

There is no doubt that different disciplines are interrelated and that the knowledge of one field can shed light on the studies of other fields.

Knowledge of statistics was introduced into the fields of sociology and history, contributing to the researchers in those fields.

Literary critics borrow new ideas formulated by philosophers to further their studies.

When biology and chemistry met, biochemistry came into being.

5."A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."

Firstly, with the same national curriculum, it is convenient for educationist of different parts of the nation to scientifically arrange and prepare the classes of the curriculum.

Secondly, thinking of the possible differences, it is unwise to allow schools rather than a nation to choose the courses for the students.

A nation rather than the schools in different parts of the nation determine the national curriculum for the students, however, it does mean that the local schools he no freedom to choose any course for local students.


1,需要统一课程.必要性,可能是由于财政的原因.统一课程,可以使教育更有效率,更有序,有利于安排统一的升学考试,给每个学生更公平的升学机会,同时也让学生接受传统,道德教育,避免学生move to another schools 时学习有困难



高质量:A向学生们灌输相同的价值观能够确保所有的学生都学到传统价值观念中的优点can ensure all of our students be fored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that he been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors B着名专家编撰,local 可能不具备能力或实力

公平:A使得他们能够站在相同的起跑线上.B provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricular and select course materials for freshmen that are neither below nor above their level of educational experience

但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们的传统习俗和生活方式pose certain amount of detrimental effects. On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the nation, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.).如:中国宣传无神论antithei, 但伊斯兰教徒信仰安拉Moslem believe in Allah

传输教条facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power.


【翻译】 一个国家应该要求所有的学生在进入大学之前都学习由国家统一制定的课程,而不是允许由国家不同地区的学校去决定课程的安排国家统一和地区单独安排课程


1 为了保证在大学入学考试时的公平性,以及培养一个人生存所必备的能力,国家需要制定统一的必修课【比如数学培养logic ability in order to form rigorous thought, history makes people get a general view of a nation】

2 考虑到一些特殊情况,地区可以根据需要开设一些有自己特色的课,(例子,比如艺术院校的学生,除了学习国家规定的课程外,还必须学一些专业方面的知识,还有一些少数民族地区可以开必要的语言课程以及了解自己民族发展历史的课程,还有就是为特殊学生开设特殊的课程,包括handicapped one and generous one【这点不晓得有没有偏题】)

3 以统一课程为主,地方辅以需要的地方课.


On the one hand, a national curriculum contributes to preserving a unified national culture and national cohesion.

Furthermore, a general curriculum decided by authority rather than by local schools oids limiting students to a narrow scope of knowledge too early.

On the other hand, in a multi-cultural society, different ethnic munities should be given the opportunity to preserve and promote their traditional cultures.

It's beneficial to grant local schools the freedom to offer students some elective courses, which can help the school to build its unique culture charia.

6."The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth."

We always regard youth as the future of the society. Although they are young, fresh and immature, they are also shrewd, full of passion and vitality.

Actually, studying the trends of a country's youth, may help to understand its contemporary culture, since that youth is the pioneer of a country, in this sense, they mirrors the development of the country. Since youth is only a fraction of the society, studying them and their culture just provide us one perspective of the whole culture.

In my view, pare with the youth, those conventions and traditions constitute the foundation of the contemporary culture.

Youth are always considered as the future of the society. Although they are young, fresh and immature, they are fraught with intelligence, passion, courage and vitality. They embody the new strength of the society, whether we are willing or not to admit, what they will be tomorrow means what the society will be like in the future. But they do not make up the whole society, to understand contemporary culture of a country, analyzing the trends of its youth may be the easiest and quickest way but not the most effective one. Because the effective one not only means the quickest but also a prehensive one, which youth always fails to provide.

Since youth is the pioneer of the society, studying the trends of youth may help understand contemporary culture. Compared with those burdened with kinds of bonds, works and responsibilities, the youth, who are sharp and aggressive, never lacks of creativity and spirits. (用自己的观点思考,从前人那吸取经验教训,尽管犯错,甚至观点被认为是荒谬可笑的.但在germin


al phase of creative process, all these are considered as necessary.)

The youth is only a fraction of a society, so studying them and their trends just provides us some aspects of the whole culture.(尽管conservative, platitude, lethargy ,代表传统和主流文化,tranitting morals, virtues. 学习他们能更好了解当今文化,同时这也是年轻人的灵感源泉.Source of inspiration)

Compared with the youth, the conventions and traditions constitute the foundation of contemporary culture. Although youth brings fresh air to the society, their variability and divergence weaken them to lead the contemporary culture. Their fad emerges and then evanesces just replaced by another one. And some trends that could bee culture should perform lasting and prevalent.

As a result, due to the feature of contemporary culture, both conventional and innovative, acquiring prehension of it, a bination study is indispensable. The trends of youth represent the crest of contemporary culture, but they should make more efforts to bee prehensive and classical.

年轻人:Fresh, immature, passion, novelty, innovation, creativity, vitality, aggressive, aggression, sharp, sensitive, variability, divergence, diversity

老人:Conservative, platitude, lethargy,

年轻人更容易接受新事物,同时更张扬,会将他们的喜好宣扬出来,更易形成社会潮流.如:Fashion 基本为年轻人引导.

年轻人也在传统文化中长大,身上也有传统文化的影子.如: 对于传统价值观的倚赖.

不一定为the most.还可以观察大众媒体,由于大众媒体追求的是利润,必然cater to the public's interests.

历史等因素也可影响文化.要深刻理解,还是要追溯历史.如:Thanksgiving Day. 最初的美国人,不适应美国环境,受印第安人帮助生存下来.印第安人送来生活必需品,并教会他们如何在这片土地上耕作.第二年获得大丰收,与印第安人共享佳肴.当时常食用的火鸡(turkey)今天成为节日特色.


It is more or less true to say that contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.

We live in an age when old people are marginalized in society.

What we call mass culture produced by the mass media is, as a matter of fact, a reflection of the trends among the youth.

There is urgent need for the younger generation and the older generation to fill the gap between them and to build a more balanced contemporary culture.

7."The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has bee a more important form of documentation than written records."

Our life has gone through great changes since the video camera came into being, which provides a totally new and different way of recording life to the traditional written methods. Compared with written records, video documentation is much less influenced by the one who took record and the one who interprete it. Another conspicuous advantage of video records is its integrity.

Yet it's rash to say that video camera has already won over traditional written documents and bee the new domination of documentation field since video record is limited in several aspects. We cannot say whether video camera or the written document is more important than the other in that each one has its irreplaceable merits and values. Video camera offers the accurate and convincing method of recording which can revive life in before, while traditional written document can provide a more detailed and rational record in lower cost.

The speaker asserts that the video camera recording information more accurate and convincing than written documents has bee a more important form of documentation. By scrutinizing many aspects of this problem, I agree insofar as in some kind of situations camera indeed has its own advantages and could take place of written records in a foreseeable future. However, both of these two methods he their own merits and foibles, only through collaboration can give perfect records to the next generations of human.

数码相机高科技产物.好,体积小(all bulk),携带方便(portable),能更直观记录事件(vivid and directed),更环保(good to environment ),这些是文字所不能的,文字不客观,有些场景用语言很难表达.

Video camera,the products of high digital technology, introduces many innovations in the recording of our society and people's life.


However, the shortings of video media also make it impossible to use in every circumstances.

两者应互补.记录的同时配以文字说明,挖掘内在含义.图文并貌the picture and its acpanying essay are both excellent

In sum, video documents he provided people with an innovative approach of recording and also give the descendants the opportunity to retrospect the past events in a vivid way. But without written records, it is impossible for people to gain the general spectrum of history. So these two methods should pensate with each other, only in this way we can preserve the plete records of contemporary society and people's life for the next generation.

数码的优点:生动,具体.Vivid. People can see what happened by themselves.如:看Olympic

:A,accurate and convincing.如:montage B 价格高昂,





1. 摄像机优点:准确,生动,真实,能够记录瞬间,移动物体


eg. Video surveillance cameras are objective witnesses with perfect memories, thus play a vital evidentiary role in legal proceedings, such as those involving robbery and motor vehicle violations

2. 摄像机缺点:记录时间短暂,成本高,不灵活-携带不方便,无概括提炼



(For certain other purposes written records are advantageous to and more appropriate than video records. To the extent that personal interpretation adds dimension and richness to the record, written documentation is actually more important than video.)



Although I agree that a video provides a more objective and accurate record of an event's spatial aspects, there is far more to document in life than what we see and hear. Thus the speaker overstates the parative significance of video as a documentary tool.

For the purpose of documenting temporal, spatial events and experiences, I agree that a video record is usually more accurate and more convincing than a written record.

Noheless, for certain other purposes written records are more advantageous and more appropriate than video records.

Finally, a video record is of not use in documenting statistical or quantitative information.

8."It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."

Firstly, political leaders, in a democracy regime, will harm the proper right of people as they withhold information from the public.

Secondly, withholding information from the public will result in corruption in the government, and therefore bring detriment to society.

Admittedly, sometimes it is necessary for political leaders to keep the public from know something, such as country's top secrete, which is indispensable and helpful for a country in defending aggression and keeping safety.

[begin] In most of the democratic nations, people he the right to know any information about the nation and the leaders, while, under some circumstance, it is necessary for the government to withhold some information that concerning the national security or may hamper the overall interest of the society when public. Close scrutiny shows that overstate either the importance of the public transparence or the significance of the government to withhold the information may falls into an endangered position


Providing the citizens with


the opportunity for learning most of the information they need and concern may contribute the management of the government towards the entire society.


However, some information, especially those concerning the security of the nation and may he potential possibility to leads the jeopardize situations, should be withhold by the government in order to maintain the order of the entire society

(Secret project) (If the government's strategy to thwart deliberate plans of the international terrorist or a drug trafficker has been disclosed before it has been acted, no useful purposes can be achieve ultimately)


While, on the other hand, distribute the government with the rights to freely conceal the information may also ruin the philosophical underpinnings of the democratic climate

在某些情况下,封闭信息是需要.A 如国防national defense,抓捕犯人culprit等B 有时群众了解的信息可能是片面的,引起骚动,还不如不了解


公开信息还有一个优势:防止权力的腐败 反面说:引起腐败,and therefore bring detriment to society.


少数和多数的关系之true lies, the truth is out there. 【总频22】


1 向人民大众隐瞒一些信息在一些情况下是有必要的,甚至是有宜的

例子,政府准备到某个state进行人们生活质量的考察,之前就很有必要不要告诉大家,因为如果告诉了the public,那么那个state的领导可能会做一些表明工作,那么考察到的就不是真实情况了【这是看的别人的例子,实在没想出来】

2 在一些情况下告诉the public 实情还能帮助政府度过危机【例子就是SARS在2002年在中国,如果不告知民众,那么很有可能大家不知道如何预防这种virus,使得更多的人染上它,但告知后,人民在政府的领导下,降低了感染上这种virus的人数,成功的控制了virus】

3 总结


In order to gain the opportunity for effective public leadership, a would-be leader must first gain and maintain political power. In the game of politics, plete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naiveté, neither of which earn a politician respect among his or her opponents.

Fully disclosing to the public certain types of information would threaten public safety and perhaps even national security.

Nevertheless, legitimate political leadership indeed requires forthrightness with the citizenry as to the leader's motives and agenda.

9"Academic disciplines he bee so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will he little use."

As a matter of fact, the more specialized the ideas, the less accessible to them. However, specialization does not he any impact on the value of scholars' ideas. Actually, it is not necessary for the public to understand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. For example, most people do not know how the CPU is running in the personal puter, but this does not hamper them to using puters.

现在确实increasingly narrow. 如:原来Aristotle 什么都研究,现在的物理学家只关注于问题such as 一个核子如何作用.原来Confucius 对于国家的各个领域都研究,现在的教育家只研究哪一种教学方法对一群特定学生起作用.

但科学家们之间有相互合作.如:Watson and Click DNA

有些领域即使在很小范围内研究,也能服务于社会.Game theory

The speaker oversimplifies the issue of academic influence on society.

It is true that academic disciplines he bee so specialized nowadays that some scholar's seemingly idiosyncratic ideas only reach a narrow audience.

It is also true that social scientists' failing to reach the large public makes it impossible for their ideas to contribute to society.

Nevertheless, scholars in certain realms are doomed to live in an isolated and purely academic world, which does not necessarily mean that their ideas will he little use.

10"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."

It is always true that big cities of a country boom not only in economy but also in culture. Actually, not all the major cities of a country are bound to the responsibility of preserving a nation's culture traditions. Indeed, in some major cities, where he less culture traditions, it creates a better environment for development than in those cities where long culture traditions are preserved. Nevertheless, admitted that, there are also some major cities that are characterized by their long culture traditions,

Similarly, either all cities, or villages and towns, in spite of not being major cities, are the places where culture traditions generated and handed down be generations.

大城市有很多是由于气候温和,环境舒适,交通便利,才有人类生根发芽的.如:希腊Athens,纽约.他们见证了民族的发展历史 美国独立,南北战争,工业革命.Stature of liberty Athenaeum

有的大城市是后来政府斥资兴建的.如:巴西利亚Brasilia 为了首都发展

小城市和乡村应该引起重视.A他们与外界沟通不畅,风俗更有可能保留.如:丽江东巴文化 现在还用象形字glyph B需要投资带动经济发展





1.审视当今的大城市,经济高度发达,各种各样的文化在这里汇聚,并且相互融合发展,大城市成为了一个国家的经济文化中心.比如,在纽约几乎每一周里都有各种游行,中国新年的游行,St. Patrick's Day (爱尔兰的节日)游行等等

2. 然而我们应该明白一个国家的文化传统和文化是不同的两个概念.大城市作为文化中心,更多的起到的是一个文化交流平台的作用,而不是作者所说的传统文化的发源地.实际上,大城市在一定程度上是非常不利于产生和保存文化传统的.文化交流必然会趋于同化,相互影响,一个地区的文化传统很难在这样的冲击下独立生存下去.比如我们现在整天大吃KFC Pizza 看美国大片,即使不懂英语的人也能说出好多英文商标品牌.

3.相对而言,我们应该更重视乡村以及小城市,它们往往更完整的保留了传统文化,如美国乡村音乐,blues and jazz 都起源于南方小城镇,而美国的小说也大多起源于中部平原地区.




Subsidizing cultural traditions is not a proper role of government.

Secondly, subsidizing cultural traditions is not a necessary role of government. Philanthropy is alive and well today, and so government need not intervene to ensure that our cultural traditions are preserved and promoted.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the speaker unfairly suggests that large cities serve as the primary breeding ground and sanctuaries for a nation's cultural traditions.

11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."

Though each social problem appears to be different in different nations, as theft in affluent nations may be conducted more for psychological reasons rather than for the value of the issue with regard to its counterpart in poor nations, there is always a radical key lying beneath.

On the other hand, though nearly all the social problems are persisting in every nation, some may be disasters in one nation while slight flaw in another. Such a global university asks for the support from all nations of the world. [BEGIN] The speaker prefer that all nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems. Indeed, recent years, human beings he made amazing improvement in many fields, but generate numerous social problems as well. By scrutinizing many aspects of this problem, I totally agree to build such a global university designed to help solve the persistent social problems as long as be careful not to be involved in some negative situations.

各国有很多共性的问题,a global university可以提供平台进行探讨(理论和应用层面):问题的根源,对比研究,从不同角度分析问题,可行性的解决方案.

First of all, A global university can provide a platform to solve mutual problems that different country faced both in theoretical and application layer, and help to find a mon ground or reach a consensus in the human world.




Secondly, A global university also provides an equal and open platform in for of municating the difference and standpoint of one another as well as mitigating the conflicts.




However, there are two sides for every coin, a global university poses certain risks that may exacerbate some pressing international problems. First, neglecting some parochial problem, secondly, attitudes to certain problems do not reflect objective facts.


In addition, a global university should absorb different sound and make every nation possible to gain a equal opportunity to participate in the solutions of the problems and at the same time, share all the mutual fruitions of the research. There must be some principles in the university-no raci, no region discrimination, etc.-to assure equality and liberty among students without negative political influence.

11. 所有的国家都应该帮助建立起一个全球性的大学,用来培养学生们解决世界上最顽固头疼的社会问题.


优点:A在交流中可以解开许多矛盾.如:许多原来看法不一致的问题现在学着从别人的角度考虑.同时文化方面也懂得尊重别人的习俗.B科学家相互交流 DNA







1) 各国虽然具体情况不同,但是存在很多共同的问题,且很多问题有相同的根源,global university can help to establish a mon ground or reach a consensus(the depletion of atmospheric ozone或green-house effect 或space exploration仅凭一个国家的经济实力难以实现需要各国合作


3)全球性大学应该注意一些问题,首先要尊重各国的观点,不能忽视parochial problems因为各国的经济实力和发展不同,解决问题的方法不同.其次,应该使每个国家的学生都能接受平等的教育.



提纲: 反对



3. 另外,建立一所全球性大学也是没有必要的,随着网络的普遍应用,很多学者可以在因特网平台上互相交流,致力于世界社会问题.



First, participant nations would need to overe a myriad of administrative and political impediments.

A second problem inherent in establishing a global university involves the risk that certain intellectual and research enues would bee officially sanctioned while others of equal or greater potential value would be discouraged, or perhaps even proscribed.

A final problem with a global university is that the world's preeminent intellectual talent might be drawn to the sorts of problems to which the university is charged with solving, while parochial social problem go unsolved.

12"People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic."

We are living in the society. We he families, friends and colleagues. We municate each other, and he influence on or being influenced by others.

Immediate situation or surroundings play enormous influence on shaping our attitudes and moods toward exterior. However, what people express in responding to their situation and surroundings is based on their internal characteristic, which develop on the bination of intellectual and morals. As a matter of fact, people's attitudes are determined by the pound effect of situation and internal characteristic.

During one's development of whole life, it is undeniable for him or her to make a determination towards something such as what he or she fors or loathes, ments or denies and the like. In dealing with these, he or she empresses attitudes towards what is concerned. Then es a controversial question that whether the immediate situation or the internal characteristic contributes more to one's attitudes. Some people prefer the former, and others may prefer the latter. However, in my opinion, both play an important role in one's attitudes and sometimes people just try their best to construct a balance between them.

The internal characteristic is somewhat more important to determine one's attitudes towards most events. (每个人有自己的个性,对待同一件事情,看法不同.举例:人们对待同居(cohabits)的态度(conservative, immoral, shame, illegal, be forbidden, mon, popular, open, optimistic),对待有争议问题的态度(aggressive, introvert, silent))

As to the influence of immediate situation or surroundings, sometimes it also maintain vital to the forming of attitudes. (外部因素可以影响决定,举例,环境对人的影响)

Of course, as to some specific situations, the two above can not be separated from each other.

In sum, either the internal characteristic or the immediate situation would influence the attitudes of an individual towards events or other objects. Sometimes the two factors even interplay each other, so how people's attitudes form is actually on a case-by-case base.




③但是,个人特质也是先天和后天共同作用的结果.(赞!!这才是typical logic )

13"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from being extinct."

With the development of globalization, increasing cooperation within countries brings each country both prosperities especially in science and technology, and impact on culture. When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are being extinct. While, with the disappearing of native language, at the same time, native culture constructed on the language is perishing.



3,这些语言的消失是natural and inevitable,(以前有很多古老的语言灭绝)

Social environment does plays a more important role in forming a person's attitudes.

Admittedly, people's inborn temperament does play an important role in their attitudes.

However, more often than not, people's attitudes are largely influenced by their immediate situation or surroundings.

It should also be noted that external factors not only influence people's attitudes, but also shape their characters.

13. 许多世界上鲜为人知的语言由于越来越少的人使用而逐渐消失.使用这些语言的国家应该采取措施防止这些语言绝迹.


但语言的消亡是正常现象.就如在适者生存一样,当不适应社会发展时,就会自然被淘汰.如:许多原住民的aboriginal语言 随着全球化被英语取代




Some countries should take actions to prevent there languages that are facing extinct from dying out. So does the people themselves who own the languages.










I agree insofar as a country's indigenous and distinct languages should not be abandoned and fotten altogether. At some point, however, I think cultural identity should yield to the more practical considerations of day-to-day life in a global society.

On the one hand, the indigenous language of any geographical region is part-and-parcel of the cultural heritage of the region's natives.

Another important reason to prevent the extinction of a language is to preserve the distinct ideas that only that particular language can convey.

On the other hand, in today's high-tech world of satellite munications, global mobility, and especially the Inter, language barriers serve primarily to impede cross-cultural munication, which in turn impedes international merce and trade.

Moreover, language barriers naturally breed misunderstanding, a certain distrust and, as a result, discord and even war among nations.

Furthermore, in my view the extinction of all but a few major languages is inexorable--as supported by the fact that the Inter has adopted English as its official language. Thus by intervening to preserve a dying language a government might be deploying its resources to fight a losing battle, rather than to bat more pressing social problems--such as hunger, homelessness, disease and ignorance--that plague nearly every society today.

14"It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature."

We he been brought up with fairy tales, mythologies and science fictions. Imaginative literature is characterized by fancy and illusion, which can inspire our imagination as well as intelligence. However, when we immerse in the fantasy contrived by imaginative work, we should also notice its dark side.

14. 每个人都有必要去阅读诗,小说,神话和其他的幻想类的文学作品.

① 许多想象的作品成为文化的基础,并一直流传至今,对人类文明有着深远的影响:神化和传说.古希腊罗马神话,充满想象,对以此为基础并且同样灿烂悠久的西方文明有着深远影响.Ancient Greek and Roman myths, are full of imagination, and bee the foundation of the western culture which is also geous and old-line. Furthermore, we can find the influences of these myths from today's literature,sculpture,painting,music,and architecture.甚至在04年的奥运会上

②想象的作品展示给人更美好,更纯洁unsophisticated的社会.安徒生童话Andersen is famous for his fairy tales, Ugly Duckling,蕴含在其中的同情心sympathy that it implied the ugly duckling,对于世界的爱the love for the world the little mermaid,对诚实,勇敢的美德的歌颂Emperor's New Suit.

③Only imaginative works can provide meaning to historical events—through the use of devices设备,策略 such as symboli象征主义 and metaphor隐喻,暗喻.但丁 Dante 神曲Divine edy/Divina Commedia, one of the landmarks of world literature. 宣扬了个性解放的思想.基督教精神的最崇高体现,将善与恶视为两极,互不相容.人要靠信仰而活着.神曲本身是一个隐喻,从黑暗的森林,到地狱hell,净界limbo/炼狱purgatory,天堂的过程,代表由懵懂ignorant,挣扎struggle,渴望thirst for到救赎salvation的历程course.但丁希望引导读者反省人性的罪恶meditate the evils of human,思索当时混乱的局势ponder the chaotic situation at that time,并试着提出解决之道bring forward a solution,使人达到幸福之地blessed place.更深的揭露社会现象

④not everyone. A time is limited, 可以做更有用的事B 有的人没有条件.如:战区war zone的人民/非洲的挨饿的儿童hungry African children


Reading imaginative literature is beneficial for everyone.

Imagination is a precondition of any creative work.

Reading imaginative literature enriches one's imagination.

Reading imaginative literature is also a pleasant way of relaxation.

15"The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behior."

Though it seems impossible that there will be a society as serene as paradise without any kind of horrible extremes of human behior, it should never be an excuse for the failure of keeping the happening of extremes under effective control. But the stability of a society asks for much more than just agile responds and firm punishment to the extremes of human behior. The stability of a society even requires its adequate conduction to some seemingly ordinary human behiors in specific situations. A stable and healthy society is cherished by everyone.

15. 社会的安定取决于它对人们极端行为的响应和措施

extreme as violence: incredible tragedy of September 11th 政府的对恐怖分子严查与对遇难者安抚工作

extreme in science/academia: Einstein principle of relativity, 开明的环境. 否则知识分子会难得进步,甚至感到恐慌,the cultural revolution.



It is true that how a society copes with the extremes of human behior largely determines the society's stability.

The extremes of human behior--such as violence or strikes--usually dictate gre social troubles.

One solution to these social problems is suppressing, which proves effective in the short run and counterproductive in the long run.

The most effective way of responding to such problems is constructive munication and sometimes promise.


16"Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals."

Without modern facilities, we could hardly do anything.

While, without such modern facilities, can we bee truly strong and independent individuals It is important us for to realize the limitation of modern facilities and that potential danger which will be aroused if we lost our domination over modern facilities and too rely on them.

16. 尽管很多人认为现在奢侈安逸的生活是无害的,但实际上这样的生活阻止了人们培养坚强独立的性格

I concede 有些时候有些人在得到安逸生活以后就不思进取了.Dy, 晚年没有什么成就.中国人有句谚语:富不过三代,穷不过三代.西方人也有个类似的说法叫:Great men's sons seldom do well .


如果缺乏现在高科技所提供的舒适条件,有些研究成果出不来. 如:生物学领域,军事领域 都要求sophisticated apparatus

人之品格是内在的,安逸或者艰苦的环境是外在的.有影响,但不会起决定性作用.People's characteristics of fortitude and independence spring from within rather than from without , although the outside environment that cannot be the determining factors after all , may has a certain impact on the course of shaping these characters .


Consider first the effect of the automobile on our independence as individuals. In some respects the automobile serves to enhance such independence.

However, we he bee sles to the automobile.

Consider next the overall impact of the automobile on our strength as individuals, by which I mean strength of character, or mettle.

In contrast, there is a certain strength of character that es with eschewing modern conveniences such as cars, and with the knowledge that one is contributing to a cleaner and quieter environment, a safer neighborhood, and arguably a more genteel society.

17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

Laws and regulations are set up along with the entrenchment of a government serving as a means to control the country. Since laws are built up under the power of government, which represents the public interest whereas run by a few individuals, it is quite possible that laws are constituted in the name of representing the majority while on the contrary in a few individuals for. Facing unjust laws, every individual has the very responsibility to resist them. No matter that whether every individual could reach an agreement on unjust or not, one point is important that we sho


uld put forward our opinions toward unjust laws.



1,赞成应该反抗.定义一下just, unjust. the essence of law is to ensure fairness, recognize and protect basic rights as liberty, equality. If laws are against this soul, people he right to speak out and seek change to the law.

引用: (2) The blacks. During the Civil war, Lincoln enacted the laws that entitled the equal rights to the blacks with the whites.

(3) During the period of the World War II, Hitler enacted laws to propose policy of pure Germanic origin and claim that the Jews and other minorities were inferior. Under these laws, the genocide of European Jews and others was executed by the Nazis.


However, Laws should also he a relative stability.

(1)Within a country , a period of time , laws should stay relatively stable, which doesn't means fixed or stationary ,but keep a consistency in spirit of laws. Without such coherence, people will be confused and distrust laws and legal system.

(2)Ever-changing laws are so elusive that makes them hard to be respected and carried out by lawman.


(1) Democracy. 1787, the first Constitution was born, instead of being fixed, 1791 ten amendments were added to the Constitution to ensure human rights. Until now, there has been twenty-seven amendments, much more words than the initial Constitution.美国在1787年制定了《美利坚合众国宪法》,1791"人权法案"的10条宪法修正案,,27条,

17. 有两种法律:公平的和不公平的.社会中的每个人都应该遵守公平的法律,更重要的是,应该不遵守或者违抗不公平的法律



②对于公平和不公平的定义在变化.如:是否应有死刑, euthanasia

③对第二个assertion: 确实要遵守公平的

④对不公平的要看情况, 可以反抗,同时也促进法律进步.










First, whether a law is just or unjust is rarely a straightforward issue. The fairness of any law depends on one's personal value system.

The fairness of a law also depends on one's personal interest, or stake, in the legal issue at hand.

Disobeying unjust laws often has the opposite effect of what was intended or hoped for.

By justifying a violation of one sort of law we find ourselves on a slippery slope toward sanctioning all types of illegal behior, including egregious criminal conduct.

18"Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea."

Think of those ideas which we he long been used to, maybe since we are young. When the idea held is challenged, however, we are motivated to defend it against doubts and disagreements. Anyway, one should never be a bigot, who sticks to his own point of view and never budge even if lethal errors are rooted in.




③不是the only way 还可以通过实践经验来检验等


Different viewpoints interconnect with each other. Only after careful parison can we reach the soul of the idea.

Doubts and contrasting views can provide valuable use for reverences to our learning.

History is replete with illustrative cases in which doubts and contrasting views contribute to the consummation of our knowledge.

19"If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens."

The achievement of social entire success owes much to ceaseless and assiduous hard work of every citizen. If a country overemphasizes the priority of its overall success in the process of thriving, it risks to obtaining the achievement at the expense of individual's interest. However, not every individual's interest accords with that of society.

Tim: A society is a munity prised by the members. It exists because its members exist. In my opinion, its overall success entirely depends on the welfare of its individual citizens. Such welfare should be prioritized.

Prior to our analysis, we need to agree upon the definition of "overall success". Hypothetically, if we eliminate the elderly, the weak, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the unfit, then clearly our society consists of only healthy and intelligent members. It will likely bee productive, and thus make considerable advancement.

Does this considerable advancement mean overall success If it does, then we should indeed adopt a policy of master race, such as the one advocated by Nazis. We should place our emphasis on the society's success ahead of the welfare of individual members.

My definition of overall success, however, is different. Rather, happiness of its members is the main criterion. If members are stresul throughout their life, this society is not deemed succesul even if it enables its members to land on Mars.

Again, hypothetically, let us say that our world population is reduced from 6.2 billion to 100 million. All the unfit he been annihilated. These 100 million people are good looking, tall, art, young, and healthy. Their earth is filled with bountiful food and is equipped with advanced technology. Now, let us examine the likelihood that they will be happy.

First, this master race still cannot defy aging and death. The members will age and die. But according to their own regulations, people at the age of, say, 50 must be phased out. So, what do you think that those reaching ages of 35, 40, or 45 will feel

Second, other than aging, the members do not dare to show any sign of weakness. If they are sick, they'd better pretend to be well. If they do not understand something, they will pretend that they are bright. If they are unable to acplish some tasks, they will appear to be petent. So they constantly live in pretense and anxiety.

Finally, how will these cut-off limits of unfitness be defined It is law of nature that nobody on earth is perfect. Nobody can possibly possess every nice attribute in him. If he is bright, but physically weak, will he be eliminated The society will bee chaotic, as there will be constant debates over the definition of unfitness.

In summary, based on three reasons stated above, members of this society will not likely live happy lives. If they will not, the society, deemed by me, is not succesul. If I am allowed to uphold my own definition, then clearly we should accept every member, weak and strong alike, as he is, and prioritize his well being. The society does not necessarily he to make progress.




③长远来看,必须把个体利益放在社会利益之上.A 社会的发展是由一个个的个体所做出的.有责任使他们生活幸福.否则,会引起 B 存在risk ,政府以社会的整体利益为借口来满足个人利益.



The society is made up of individual citizens, therefore, the developmentof individual citizens is crucial for the development of the whole society.

A society that ignores the well being of individual citizens is bound to end up in social turmoil or revolution.


20"National governments should devote more


