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ShineWrite.在开始撰写您的个人陈述前,需要收集以下资料作为素材,请仔细回答以下问题对于个人陈述来说,我们鼓励您使用英文素材,这便更多时间和母语编辑深度 您也可以用中文您觉得用英文表达的在专有名词后附上应的英文供我们参考整份表格的英文部分超过0% ,如果用英文填写大量素材对您有困难,您也可以用中文填写(质量不受到任何影响,也不会增加任何翻译费用)当您用中文填写的素材内容超过20%时,将导致交稿时间4天左右的延误(加急服务的时间不受到任何素材填写语种的影响),因为我们需要翻译素材,需要时间您素材的重点,我们知您.在完成相应的表格后,请shinewrite./ 注册用户,登录网站,选择相应服务并将完成的素材表格.

The form is specially designed for undergraduates or bachelor-degree holders who intend to apply for graduate schools. If you do not meet this condition, please refer to other forms on our websites.

Before we start the process of posing your personal statement, we need to he the following information that will be used as raw materials. Please answer the following questions carefully.

Please note: We encourage you to supply all information in English, thus you will find more time to share opinions with your Native Speaking editors looking for a right direction to pose a special tailored personal statement with depth. You may provide some data in Chinese if you find difficulties to express them in English. (Please do specify Special Terms and Names in English). We suggest you supply most of your information in English (80% or over is preferred).

We will treat the order submission with information over 20% in Chinese differently, for these orders we will he to delay the number of pletion days by 4 days according to the plexity of the data. (Please note this will not affect urgent service orders). We usually need 48 hours for the process of raw material translations from Chinese to English, We need time to grasp the essence of your information provided in Chinese. Please be rest assured that we will inform you of the timeframe required when confirming your order.

1 请选择您需要的文体:(用英文字母填写)

1 Please choose the style and format of your essayI would like to he the essay in the format of ___________

A Personal Statement (Remended )

B Motivation Letter/ Statement of Purpose/ Statement of Objective/Statement of Intent

C Question-and-Answer Essay

D Study Plan

(用英文填写)如果您有什么特殊文体要求,请写在这里, 否则可以进入下一步:

(Please list your special requirements here)

您只能选择一个,如果您需要制作另外一个版本的同类型文件,但是需要不同字数,可以使用我们的深度润色修改服务,网址在 shinewrite./s1..


You can only choose one.

If you wish to he another version of a different word count, please use our editing service at



What is the difference between the above mentioned formats

* Personal Statement:

A strong personal statement is reflective, that is, it demonstrates that you he thought about and gained a clear perspective on your experiences and what you want in your future. In the process of preparing your personal statement, you should also pay attention to the fact that some schools also need the applicant to integrate their response into several questions (see Question-and-Answer Essay) in your personal statement.

* Motivation Letter /Statement of Purpose/Statement of Objective:

Schools phrase their prompts for the statement of purpose (Statement of Objective/Motivation Letter) in a variety of ways. They even name them differently, what is a statement of purpose at one school is a letter of intent or a personal statement at another. Some schools will even call it an autobiographical statement. These prompts will also impose different restrictions on length, and some will give you more guidance than others will. Noheless, they're all asking for pretty much the same four pieces of information:

-- What you want to study at graduate school.

-- Why you want to study it.

-- What experience you he in your field.

-- What you plan to do with your degree once you he it.

In most cases, you can simply use your personal statement if it can well address the four questions mentioned above.

* Question-and-Answer Essay:

Some schools ask the applicants to pose the essay responding to several pre-set questions, for example:

1 (Applying to college) what is your greatest achievement Who has influenced you the most Write page 122 of your 200-page autobiography.

2 (Applying to Business School): Please provide an example of a time when you introduced a new, innovative idea, as a member of a group, anization or pany. Discuss how your idea was then carried out and how it affected change within that group, anization or pany.

3 (Applying to Law School): What is your understanding of "Justice"

* Study Plan :

A study plan is designed to help you and your adviser define your educational goals and to identify strategies for acplishing them. But sometimes you do not need to fully focus on the "plan" itself, the essay can also contain your objective, academic background and motivation as well as personal statement does. In the visa application process, some foreign embassies would also require the applicants to provide a study plan for reference. For example, the Canadian embassy would require the applicants in certain countries to provide a study plan in response of the following questions:

--- Why do you wish to e to Canada to study at this school and in this program for which you he been accepted,

--- What is your overall educational goal,

--- Why you are not pursuing less expensive alternatives in your home country (what are those alternatives he you investigated them),

--- What ties do you he to your home country that will lead you to return to home following your course of studies

--- How will this Canadian diploma/degree increase your chances in your home country's labor market

2 在填写完所有本表资料后,请选择英文素材所占的比例.

2 After finishing this questionnaire, please choose the proportion of your raw information provided in EnglishThe proportion of the information I provided in English in this questionnaire is about ______

A >,等于 80% --------- The finished draft will be sent to you in due days.

B <, 80% ------- Subject to a delay of 2-4 days due to the translation process involved, however, urgent posing service will not be affected.

请特别注意:对于个人陈述来说,我们鼓励您使用英文完成所有的素材内容,这样您便有更多时间和多位母语编辑交流内容以及文章深度.当然您也可以用中文表达您觉得用英文不太容易表达的地方在专有名词后附上对应的英文供我们参考整份表格的英文填写部分超过0% ,如果您用中文填写的素材内容过多(超过0%),可能会导致交稿时间-4天左右的延误(加急服务不受影响)这是因为我们首先需要翻译素材内容,并需要一些的时间确定您的素材的重点,当然我们提前通知您.Question-and-Answer Essay 和Study Plan,请您重点填写本表格最后的一些内容,加上其他您认为需要填写的内容.

Attention: Please only respond to the proper questions that you might feel helpful. There is no obligation to fill in all the blanks. If you are asking an essay in Question-and-Answer Essay type or Study Plan type, please pay more emphasis on the questions at the end plus other questions that worth noting.

3 基本资料 (请用英文填写)


3 Basic information (Please answer in English)我的硕士学校/院系及就读时间My graduate school/department and the duration学校/学院主页

Related Websites:1 (Paste the link of your graduate School)

2 (Paste the link of your department)我在上述学校就读过的专业(如果有第二专业,也请注明)上述学校和专业简单英文介绍(如师资力量,专业知名度,就业前景等情况,150字为限)

A brief introduction of my major in this school, such as professional reputation, employment prospects (word limit: 150 words)硕士期间的主修专业综合平均成绩(百分制GPA):Graduate Major] GPA in 100-point system and 4-point(or other point) system, such as 88/100, 3.6/4.0我在硕士阶段的导师以及他/她的简单介绍

()brief introduction我的本科学校/院系及就读时间My undergraduate school/department and the duration学校/学院主页

Related Websites:1 (Paste the link of your Undergraduate School)

2 (Paste the link of your department)我在上述学校就读过的专业(如果有第二专业,也请注明)上述学校和专业情况介绍(如师资力量,专业的知名度,就业前景等情况,150字为限)

A brief introduction of my major in this school, such as professional reputation, employment prospects (word limit: 150 words)(word limit: 150 words)本科期间的主修专业综合平均成绩(百分制GPA,请勿罗列每一门课程):(该项选填)本科期间的辅修专业(第二专业)综合平均成绩(百分制GPA):您认为对您申请的专业有用的核心课程名称(硕士和本科期间的都可以)以及分数(百分制GPA,请勿超过10项)我的交流学生经历(如果不适用可以留白)

My experience as an exchange student (Optional)我在**学校的**专业交流过:

I he been exchanged in ** University/College

(study area:***)交流时间:

Exchange duration交流期间我所选修的核心课程(请中英文对照填写):我在交流期间的收获(150字为限)

What I gain/ed there as an exchange student (word limit: 150 words)

4 简单介绍我的性格:

4 A brief description of my personality :

5 我的座右铭是什么我崇拜的偶像是谁(崇拜的原因以及简单介绍)

5 My motto The idols I worship (A brief introduction of him/her will be appreciated )

6 我对所申请专业的兴趣出发点源于何处 professional interest for my intended study area

The following is my description.

7 下面是我和所申请专业的工作和项目经历在这些工作和项目经历中具体做了什么工作 ,怎样做的在这些工作和项目经历中最让难忘的是什么,挑战有那些


7 The following is about relevant professional experience and project work.

What were your concrete tasks in those professional experiences and project works

How did you acplish them

What was the most memorable story when you were facing those challenges

8 描述的团队经验,怎样和和其它研究人员或配合在团队中担当怎样的角色escribe the team experience you he/had.

How did you interact with your fellow researchers and clasates

9 (选择填写)我感觉我的本科成绩过低而不足以体现学术资质和努力程度,(学校评分严格,分数不高但排名高,或其他解释方法)(Optional)You may be underestimated in academic aptitude and endeor because of your low undergraduate GPA, can you give any reasonable explanations for that

10 我在大学期间的奖励和突出成就,学术性的和非学术性的achievements you he during the college life, including the academic and non-academic ones.

11 如果有论文或者专着发表,请列出发表论文,期刊,简介所发刊物内容,期刊名,机构名(出版商),内容,对未来方向的影响和工作态度的具体事例,请提供正确的英文专有名词供我们参考.

研究论文方向内容跟申请科系有关之阐述 (研究的目的,研究具体方法,研究所用仪器名称,研究(实验)主要步骤,研究结果(重要资料的数值),研究的意义等,以及具体研究专题的内容,具体仪器操作步骤,完成专题论文中间过程表现学术水平.

(英文填写,如果方便,请直接附上重要文章的英文摘 要 )

11 List the publications you he or will he, including the full title of the article, journal/book name, and a brief introduction of the content.

How will these works contribute to your application for the intended study area

Please also provide the terminology in English for our reference.

(If possible, attach the abstract below.).

12 谈谈对专业的认识,如果所申请的专业与本科专业不一致想要申请该专业的原因.explain why you want to traner to the new program, and how you plan to conquer the expected difficulties

13 我的家庭背景,比如父母的职业对自己的影响


13 Family background, for instance, whether or not my parents' occupations he influence on me

Or whether or not my residences he far-reaching influence on me (150 words limited)

14 为什么选择所申请的学校[请勿大段复制粘贴学校的中文简介]

14 Why do you choose this school and major

(Please refer to one school only. The final version we provide will only cover one school, however, you can amend it for different applications.)

Which attributes does this school/major attract you

Please paste the related links of the schools/departments that you might be interested for our reference.

15 我未来的

16 (英文)我对文章的开头的要求或者建议,也可以天马行空的随便写几句:

16 My suggestions for the beginning of the essay. All kinds of thoughts are wele.

17 文章字数要求


17 Your word count requirement

We provide four-level word count services: 500-600, 600-800 ,800-1000 and 1500-2000.

You can detail the instructions for your editors here.

(such as no more than 500 words ,or no less than 1500 words)

18 (optional)Question-and-Answer Essay 额外资料收集区,


18 If you he chosen the essay in the format of Question-and-Answer type, please provide additional information here





Please paste the questions that the essay needs to be answered, provide the link of such websites if possible. Please also indicate the desired word limit for each question.


请在下面提供能够回答上述问题的额外补充素材 (英文)

Please provide the additional information that might be helpful for our posing process



Please indicate the questions that might be related to our posing, for example, #3, #4

19 (Optional ) Study Plan 额外资料收集区,


If you he chosen the essay in the format of Study Plan type, please provide additional information here

下面就请指出您需要我们的Study Plan需要涵盖哪些方面,如果有链接也可以贴在这里

Please specify the questions that the study plan needs to be answered, provide the link of such websites if possible. Please also indicate the desired word limit for each question.


请在下面提供能够回答上述问题的额外补充素材 (英文)

Please provide the additional information that might be helpful for our posing process



Please indicate the questions that might be related to our posing, for example, #3, #4

20 想对我们的编辑说些什么请随意(英文填写,以上问题没有涵盖,而您认为很重要需要补充的素材也可以填写在这里)


Further instructions for our editors

(In English)


Frequently Asked Questions:

: 填写完成素材表格后如何购买服务回传表格

A: 请访问 shinewrite./user/reg. 注册用户后可以根据网页提示一步一步提交订单,并根据提示将填写好的素材表格上传到网



如果您使用了英文素材填写整个表格,您会在7天内(加急服务为4-5天内)获得撰写好的稿件,您可以在接下来的7天内认真研读稿件.如有必要互动,收到稿件后每份文件都可以提出一到两次的修改,我们会继续安排资深编辑为您免费服务. 您可以在我们给您的稿件上对每一段进行点评分析或者直接修改,然后发送给我们的编辑.我们将在收到您要求的48-72小时内交付完全达到您要求的二次甚至三次修编稿.让您抓紧申请中的分分秒秒.

Q: Deadline在即,7天时间太长了,是否提供加急服务

A: 如果您使用英文填写素材表格,这项服务的标准时间是7日(168小时),您在提交订单后24小时内也会收到我们编辑发送的的电子确认函.我们明白时间对您非常重要.如果您需要我们在5天(120小时)内完成,请在订单付款时在优惠代码处输入:p05 此时您将被加收60%的紧急处理费用.如果您需要我们在4天(96小时)内完成,请在订单付款时在优惠代码处输入:p04 此时您将被加收75%的紧急处理费用. 如果您需要我们在3天(72小时)内完成,请在订单付款时在优惠代码处输入:p03 此时您将被加收100%的紧急处理费用.

Q: 收到成稿后如果还希望完善,应该如何操作

A: 如有必要,我们会继续安排资深编辑为您服务,每份文件可以获得一到两次的免费修改. 您可以在我们给您的稿件上对每一段进行点评分析或者直接修改,然后发送给我们的编辑.我们将在收到您要求的48-72小时内交付完全达到您要求的二次甚至三次修编稿.当您对成稿不太满意时,请务必及时回复您的编辑,用英文明确提出您的修改意见,请统一逐条列出您有哪些不满意的地方.我们推荐您在原文上直接用英文做批注.我们的编辑一般在48小时左右提交重新修改好的文件.如果您仍然不满意,请放心,您还可以继续和编辑沟通一次并要求再次修改.您总共可以和编辑沟通并修改2次文件,时间请控制在收到稿件后的10天内.


For master students or master-degree holders who intend to apply for PhD or Master Degree.















